Monday, July 18, 2011

David E Beats of the White House Band

We interviewed David E Beats, a member of the White House Band this week.

Hi David, please introduce yourself.

Wasup! This is David E Beats, the lead and only official member of The White House Band!

How did you come up with your stage name?

I always wanted to have a band called The White House Band. It was something that I’ve always wanted so finally I just said, fuck it, lets do it.

What sets you apart from other aspiring artists?

That my fans support me! Also, that I work longer and harder than most other acts!

What single or project are you currently pushing?

#TheStimulusPackageEP which you can find on my website or on the bands bandcamp!

What is the philosophy by which you live by?

Music First, Bullshit Last!!!!

Which artists have inspired you to pursue music?

First rapper that I listened to was Jay-Z and he was the one who inspired me down this long journey.
Who does most of your production?

I write, produce, and mix all the songs on every record!

What is your opinion of the current state of the music industry?
I try not to have one. I’m just focusing on making sure I stand out above the noise to get my band noticed and make sales.

If you could change one thing about the music industry what would it be and why?

Nothing. I’d like it to stay the same at least for now. Once my band grows into a national band, then it can change up, lol.

Are there any singers/rappers that you would like to collaborate with in the future?

I’m down to collaborate with anyone really, I’m a fan of music. Doesnt really matter who it is, as long as they are dopesauce to me I’ll do the collab!

What Is your favorite movie and favorite book?

My favorite movie is Gladiator and my favorite book is Empire State Of Mind.

For more of the interview, visit A Conversation with David E. Beats.

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