Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meet the band Stereo Crowd

Jamie Robinson (drums), Robert Keith (guitar), Paul-

Anthony(guitar & vocals), VFerg (base & vocals)

How did you come up with your stage name?

Well the band was given birth to on the rooftops of South Harlem. It started as just a lot of musicians getting together and jammin’ out on P-A roof on 111th street. We invited anyone and anyone who wanted to play or hang and listen. Before we knew it, we were getting over well over 100 people on the roof listening, and another 20-30 musicians or so jamming.

It was wild! P-A looked around and said to VFerg, “yo… we should start a band,” so they had another party; this time a covert band naming operation was at play. Throughout the night, people put over 150 names in a jar. The next day, P-A picked out two: “Uptown” and “Stereo Crowd.” When he called VFerg about it, VFerg lost his sh*t, because of all the names in the jar, P-A picked out the one that VFerg put in… “Stereo Crowd.”

The name represents what we saw those first few nights and what we still see today – a very diverse crowd that blends together like the left and right channels do in audio, to create stereo. In this case, that stereo signal of left and right that have come together as one, is a crowd.

What sets you apart from other aspiring artists? Hmm… well some people are like us.

They work as hard, build team, put out their own content, etc… It’s the extent that we take it, along with our style of music, that’s makes us different. We have soooo much fun playing this music! Some people are all pissed off… we just want you to shake your rump! Then when it comes to building our business team, we want to crush it! Bring in and engage as many fans as we can.

Fore more, visit Ucombo Indie Music Reviews.

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